Why should you opt for the Best Private School? Get the Answer

One of the advantages of the Australian education system is that we have a say in where our children attend school.

But we know how difficult it is for parents to make that decision.

To assist parents in making this decision, as a graduate of a private school, you must be proud of what the Best Private Schools in Melbourne have to offer children whose parents choose to invest in their education.

  1. It's cool to be clever.

Being clever is cool at private schools. If a youngster wants to work hard in school, achieve excellent marks, and be "smart," he or she may be labelled a dork, a geek, or a nerd, and may face mocking and bullying.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're surrounded by other students who are focused on academic success.

According to a recent study by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), independent schools outperformed government schools by two years and Catholic schools by one year.

  1. Pastoral Care is more than simply about grades.

Although academic preparation is the primary emphasis of a child's education, personal development and growth as a whole person go hand in hand with academic preparation.

We inquired what set this school distinct from others during a recent chat with a highly regarded private school instructor at his retirement event.

“The pastoral care,” he said. We're not simply teaching them arithmetic and English; we're also teaching them how to be well-adjusted adults.”

And this is reflected in the best private school in Melbourne motto, which ranges from "By our acts, we shall be recognised" to "Born for Greater Things."

  1. Smaller Groups

Smaller class numbers are universally recognised to benefit all students and minimise the chance of any kid not receiving the attention they require and deserve to achieve their full potential.

With class sizes as small as 18, compared to public school class sizes as large as 29, it's no surprise that private schools get such good outcomes.

  1. Involvement of Parents

As a parent at the best private school in Melbourne, you will be encouraged (and expected) to be actively involved in your child's education in ways that you would not be in a public school.

What exactly do we mean by "more engagement"? That is dependent on your unique skills, abilities, and availability.

If you are a full-time working parent, you may be the weekend umpire for your child's netball or football team, while if you have more time during the week, you may serve on the school committee or the fundraising committee.

  1. Everything in one spot – your child's team

Your child will be able to combine his or her academics, music lessons, summer and winter sports, theatrical plays, tutoring, choir, debating club, and most other activities at a private school.

This means that their coaches, instructors, and mentors are all in one location, working together to help your child achieve his or her full potential, rather than you having to arrange several individuals from various organisations and places to help your child.

Every parent desires a balanced and well-rounded upbringing and education for their children.

If a balanced curriculum is defined as one that combines education, athletics, the arts, and extracurricular activities, then private schools aim to provide this.

Most schools provide mandatory sports for all students, as well as chances to participate in school plays, choirs, orchestras, and bands, school study excursions, camps, and tours, and extracurricular activities including debate teams, army cadet programmes, social giving programmes, and volunteering.

The best private school in Melbourne strive to give every chance for a child to discover and appreciate what they are passionate about.


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